Incident Response Plan with NIST 800-61, 800-53r5, Mitre ATT&CK and Veeam

In today's cybersecurity landscape, being prepared for incidents is as crucial as preventing them. NIST regulations 800-61 and 800-53r5, along with the Mitre ATT&CK enterprise matrix, provide solid guidelines for creating an effective incident response plan. In this post, we will review the importance of these frameworks and how the Veeam Platform it is a strategically in incident response.


Nowadays, computer threats evolve at an unprecedented pace, preparation and response capacity for security incidents become fundamental pillars for the protection of computer services. Implementing a robust and effective incident response plan is more than a preventive measure; It is a necessity to ensure the continuity and integrity of the business or organization. In this context, the guidelines established by NIST, through its publications 800-61 and 800-53r5, along with the Mitre ATT&CK Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) Matrix, provide a robust framework for developing, implementing, and managing cybersecurity incident response.

We will delve into the importance of having a well-structured incident response plan, based on the principles and practices recommended by NIST 800-61, the incident response guide, and NIST 800-53r5, the catalog of security controls and privacy. Additionally, we will review how the Mitre ATT&CK framework can enrich this plan, providing detailed insight into the tactics and techniques employed by adversaries or attackers, allowing organizations anticipate and more effectively mitigate attacks.

In this scenario, the Veeam platform emerges as a critical component entity, offering advanced tools for rapid data recovery and business continuity in the face of security incidents. The capacity of Veeam to provide fast and reliable recovery of data from immutable environments is presented as a robust countermeasure against various forms of threats, including ransomware, ensuring that the integrity and availability of critical data remains intact.

The Importance of an Incident Response Plan

Creating and maintaining an incident response plan, separate from or included in a DRP, is crucial in cybersecurity management. This plan not only helps organizations it can handle and recover from incidents, but also plays a vital role in preventing future security breaches.

Prevention and Preparation: Pillars of Computer Security

Risk Mitigation: An effective response plan helps identify and address vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

Reducing the Impact of Incidents: By having a plan in place, organizations can act quickly to contain and mitigate the damage, thereby reducing the overall impact of the incident.

Normative compliance: Many regulations and industry standards require that organizations have an incident response plan, making its development and maintenance also a matter of legal compliance.

Key Elements for an Effective Plan

Communication: Establish effective internal and external communication channels, including notifications a affected parties and regulatory authorities.

Training and Education of Staff: Regular training of staff in incident response procedures is essential to ensure a rapid and efficient response.

Drills and Tests: Conducting incident simulation exercises helps identify areas for improvement and ensures the team is prepared to respond in a real-world scenario.

Adaptability and Continuous Improvement

An incident response plan should not be static. Cyber ​​threats are constantly evolving, and the plan must adapt to address new attack tactics and techniques.

Regular Review and Update: It is essential to review and update the incident response plan regularly, especially after an actual incident or a significant change in the IT environment or threat landscape.

Integration of New Technologies and Strategies: The adoption of new technologies and strategies, such as artificial intelligence for threat detection or advanced solutions in backup and recovery, like Veeam, can significantly improve the effectiveness of the plan.

NIST 800-61: Incident Response Guide

The NIST Special Publication 800-61, “Computer Security Incident Handling Guide”, is a key document in computer security management. Provides a detailed framework for establishing an effective response plan for cybersecurity incidents.


This phase is critical to establishing an effective incident response plan. Includes:

Creation of an Incident Response Team (CSIRT): Formation of a specialized team with defined roles and responsibilities.
Policy and Procedure Development: Develop clear policies and procedures for incident management, including incident classification and response protocols.
Tools and Technologies Configuration: Implement and configure appropriate tools for incident detection and analysis, such as intrusion detection systems and incident management software.
Training: Train staff in security practices and incident response.

Detection and Analysis

This stage focuses on identifying and analyzing possible incidents:

Monitoring and Detection: Use monitoring tools to identify suspicious or anomalous activities that may indicate an incident.
Incident Analysis: Determine the nature and scope of the incident. This includes identifying the type of incident, the systems affected, and the possible cause.
Priorization: Base the response on the criticality of the incident, its impact and urgency.

Containment, Eradication and Recovery

In this phase, measures are taken to control and remedy the incident:

Containment: Implement short- and long-term containment strategies to limit the scope of the incident.
Eradication: Delete the incident components, such as malware or unauthorized access.
Recovery: Restore the systems to their normal state and ensure that there are no security loopholes through the Veeam Platform.


After an incident, it is vital to carry out follow-up activities:

Post-Incident Analysis: Review and analyze how the incident was handled to identify what was learned and improve response practices.
Reports and Documentation: Prepare detailed reports on the incident, including actions taken and recommendations to prevent future incidents.
Continuous Improvement: Update response plans and security policies based on lessons learned.

NIST 800-53r5: Security and Privacy Controls

The NIST 800-53, Revision 5, “Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations,” is a comprehensive standard that provides a set of security and privacy controls to protect systems and organizations against a wide range of computer threats. Its relevance in creating an incident response plan is essential.

Focus on Protection and Resilience

Security controls: NIST 800-53r5 establishes a series of security controls that cover areas such as information protection, identity and access, intrusion detections, and disaster recovery. These controls are designed to protect critical systems and data from cyber threats.
Privacy Controls: In addition to security controls, this standard also includes specific privacy controls to protect personal information and ensure compliance with laws and regulations of privacy.
IT Resilience: NIST 800-53r5 put a particular emphasis on resilience, that is, the ability of an organization to anticipate, resist, recover and adapt to adverse events, including cyberattacks.

Adaptation and Customization of Controls

Possibility to choose: NIST 800-53r5 allows organizations select and customize controls based on your risk assessment, legal and regulatory requirements, and specific business needs.
Risk Based: This approach ensures that the controls implemented are proportional to the risks and threats facing the organization.

Integration with Incident Response Plans

Preventive and Reactive Controls: The controls established in NIST 800-53r5 not only serve to prevent incidents, but also play a crucial role in the response phase. For example, intrusion detection controls facilitate quick identification of incidents.
Recovery Support: Controls related to disaster recovery and business continuity are essential to restore systems and services affected by an incident.

Continuous Improvement and Regulatory Compliance

Compliance and Evaluation: NIST 800-53r5 is a valuable tool for evaluating organizational compliances regarding various regulations of computer security.
Continuous Improvement: The implementation of these controls must be part of a continuous improvement process, where organizations regularly review and update their security and privacy controls to adapt to changing cyber threats.

Mitre ATT&CK: Understanding the Adversary

The matrix Mitre ATT&CK(Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge) is an essential tool for understanding the tactics and techniques used by cyber adversaries. This framework provides detailed information on the various ways attackers can penetrate, exploit, and compromise systems and networks.
Each Mitre ATT&CK matrix is ​​divided into tactics, which are the objectives that adversaries seek to achieve, techniques, and subtechniques or procedures, which are the methods they use to achieve those objectives. For example, in the Enterprise matrix there are the following tactics:

Recognition: The adversary attempts to gather information that can be used to plan future operations.
Resource Development: The adversary is trying to establish resources that it can use to support operations.
Initial Access: How adversaries enter a system or network.
Execution: Methods to execute malicious code.
Perseverance: Techniques to maintain your presence in a compromised system.
Privilege Escalation: Strategies to gain greater privileges in a system.
Defense Evasion: Techniques to avoid being detected.
Access Credentials: The adversary attempts to steal account names and passwords.
Discovery: The adversary is trying to figure out his surroundings.
Lateral movement: The adversary is trying to move through his environment.
Data Collection: The adversary tries to collect data of interest to its objective
Command and Control: The adversary attempts to communicate with the compromised systems to control them.
Data Exfiltration: Methods to steal data.
Impact: The adversary attempts to manipulate, disrupt or destroy your systems and data.

Application in Incident Response

Understanding Mitre ATT&CK tactics and techniques is key to developing effective response and mitigation strategies:
Simulationonesy Trainings: Use Mitre ATT&CK scenarios to conduct simulation exercises and train personnel in identifying and responding to specific threats.
Improvement of Security Strategies: The organizations can use this information to improve their defenses, adapting their security tools and processes to address specific techniques used by attackers.
Forensic and Root Cause Analysis: In the event of an incident, knowledge of specific Mitre ATT&CK techniques can assist in forensic analysis and identification of the root cause of the attack.

Integration with Other Regulations and Frameworks

Supplement to NIST 800-61 and 800-53r5: While NIST provides the framework for developing a security and incident response program, Mitre ATT&CK offers detailed insight into the tactics and techniques adversaries may employ, thus enabling more targeted and effective preparation and response.

Veeam Platform

The Veeam Platform is an integral solution in the incident response strategy, providing a key line of defense against cyber threats.

Data Protection and Recovery

Reliable Backup: Veeam offers robust backup systems solutions, ensuring that data is protected and can be recovered in the event of loss or corruption.
Fast recovery: The capacity of Veeam Quickly restoring systems and data is essential to minimize downtime after an incident, which is critical to business continuity.

Backup Security

Immunity against Ransomware: Veeam provides features that help protect backups against ransomware, ensuring backup data remains intact and secure.
Data Isolation (Air-Gap): The capacity of Veeam Creating isolated backups (air-gapped) is vital to protect data against attacks that seek to corrupt or delete data backups.

Compliance and Compliance

Compliance with Regulations: Veeam helps organizations to comply with various regulations data security by providing a secure and reliable data backup and recovery solution.
Audits and Reports: Veeam facilitates the generation of reports and audits, allowing organizations document they data protection and incident response efforts.

Automation and Efficiency

Process automation: Veeam automates many aspects of backup and recovery, reducing the margin for human error and increasing efficiency in incident response.
Recovery Orchestration: Recovery orchestration Veeam simplifies the process of restoring services and applications critical, following a predefined order to ensure consistent and efficient recovery.

Flexibility and Scalability

Adaptability to Various Environments: Veeam supports a variety of IT environments, including cloud, virtual and physical environments, making it adaptable to the needs of different organizations.
Scalability: As the organizations grow, Veeam can scale to meet growing data protection and disaster recovery demands.


As we conclude this discussion of the importance of an incident response plan based on NIST 800-61, NIST 800-53r5, and Mitre ATT&CK, and the importance of the Veeam, here we present some key recommendations for organizations looking to strengthen their computer security:

Implement a Comprehensive Response Plan: Develop and maintain an incident response plan that incorporates NIST 800-61 and 800-53r5 guidelines. This plan must be comprehensive, including clear procedures for incident detection, analysis, containment, eradication and recovery.

Continuous training: Invest in regular training of employees and stakeholders on cybersecurity practices. This includes becoming familiar with the tactics and techniques outlined in the Mitre ATT&CK framework.

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement: Conduct audits and periodic reviews of the incident response plan to identify areas for improvement. Adapt to new threats and changes in the computer security landscape.

Integrate Advanced Backup and Recovery Solutions: Use Veeam Backup & Replication to ensure quick and effective recovery in the event of incidents. This is crucial to minimize downtime and data loss.

Incident Drills: Conduct incident simulation exercises regularly to test and improve the effectiveness of the response plan. These exercises must reflect realistic scenarios based on Mitre ATT&CK tactics and techniques.

Collaboration and Information Sharing: Encourage collaboration between internal teams and with other organizations. Sharing information on threats and best practices can help improve collective defense strategies.

Proactive Approach to Computer Security: Take a proactive, not just reactive, approach to cybersecurity. This includes staying up to date on the latest trends in cyber threats and security technologies.

Legal and Compliance Response: Ensure the incident response plan is aligned with legal and compliance requirements. This is crucial to effectively manage the legal implications and reputational issues that may arise from a security incident.

Implementing these recommendations, the organizations can significantly improve your ability to prevent, detect and respond to cybersecurity incidents, thereby ensuring the continued protection of your critical assets and business continuity in an increasingly challenging digital environment.


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